A pair of quality leather shoes is one of your best investments. However, you must ensure that your shoes are well cared for. Proper care and maintenance will ensure that your shoes last for a lifetime. It doesn’t matter how expensive the leather footwear you choose, as long as it is well-maintained. There are many ways to maintain leather shoes. These tips will allow them to last longer and keep their great looks Leather Shoes Singapore.
One thing you should remember is that a pair of leather shoes made from good quality leather will last twice the time as a single pair. This mathematical paradox is not impossible. You can purchase two pairs of leather footwear and use one pair each day. In this example, 1+1 = 3.
The best way to clean your leather shoes is to do it daily and pay close attention any spots. All-natural products for shoe care allow leather to breathe. We recommend leather-specific cleaning products like saddle soap. If you use saddle oil with the mink oil treatment, your footwear will last a long time. These products can almost always be found in areas that carry shoe care products. Goop hand cleanser, which can be found at most automotive supply shops, is another great way to clean the leather. Goop, which is waterless is great for removing grease and oil from the leather. Pine gum can help restore your shoes after they’ve been damaged or have been scratched. This product is a great camouflage and soaks into the leather. Pine gum will restore the color or appearance of the leather if it has begun to fade.
You can waterproof your boots and leather shoes if you regularly walk in places with high moisture. This will protect the footwear from water, salt stains, snow and moisture. If the shoes become damp, place them on a tree to dry. Do not store them near any heat source such as a fire or a stove. Beeswax can protect your leather shoes against the elements with its excellent water-repellent properties. Shoes care products can also be waterproofed.
Conditioning your footwear can help preserve soft and supple suede. Avoiding cracks in leather’s surface means less harmful chemicals can damage it. Comfortable shoes will fit better when the leather is soft. Lanolin is great at softening the leather. Emu oil helps to restore the natural moisture in the leather by deep penetration within the shoe.
You must also care for the shoe’s interior when cleaning and conditioning them. Eucalyptus oil/Tea Tree oil protects against the development of mildew or mold by preventing the shoe from becoming brittle.
You should keep in mind that specialty leather products like suede or patent leather need special products to take care of them. If you are caring for suede footwear, then you won’t want to use any oil or cream-based products. You can clean suede leather by using a spray-on cleaner or regular brushing.
If you see problems in the stitching, soles, or elsewhere on your shoes, consider the cost to repair it and then make a visit to your local shoe repair shop. It is well worth the investment to extend your shoe’s lifespan by hiring a competent repairman.
Even though the products are not specifically designed for leather shoes, there are many household products that can be used to maintain your shoes. A gentle rub of petroleum jelly into the leather and then allowing it to dry for a couple minutes before being wiped off will make leather uniform shoes look great. Others prefer furniture polish applied lightly and wiped down with cloth.
It is important to maintain leather shoes by taking care of them every day.